Michiko Kon

Our next Artist You Need To Know is Michiko Kon | 今道子 | Kon Michiko. She is a Japanese photographer who creates evocative monochromatic works that are comprised of a variety of objects that both are challenging and entrancing to the viewer. Michiko Kon’s images...

Dennis Geden

Our next Artist You Need To Know is Dennis Geden. Geden works primarily in painting and printmaking : his aesthetic is focused primarily on contemporary and historical figurative / narrative art in manners both serious and playful. He was born in North Bay, Ontario,...

Elizabeth Colomba

The next Artist You Need To Know is Elizabeth Colomba. Colomba was born in France and raised in Épinay-sur-Seine : her parents are of Martinican descent. She earned a degree in applied art from the Estienne School of Art (Paris) and also studied at the École nationale...

Hans Bellmer

Our next Artist You Need To Know is Hans Bellmer (1902 – 1975). Bellmer was a German artist who would later live in France. He is known for his drawings, etchings and some photographs that illustrated the 1940 edition of Histoire de l’œil by Georges Bataille (one of...

Anna Boghiguian

Our next Artist You Need To Know is Anna Boghiguian. Anna Boghiguian (born 1946) is widely regarded as one of Egypt’s finest and most significant contemporary artists. Her work is innately political, and is focused upon “various historical events in a...

Yves Klein

Our next Artist You Need To Know is Yves Klein (1928 – 1962). Klein was a French artist and one of the most important figures in the period of post WW II European art, and his influence is still present in many cultural areas today. A leading member of the...