The next Artist You Need To Know is Piero Manzoni (1933 – 1963). Piero Manzoni di Chiosca e Poggiolo was an Italian artist whose approach to art making had strong elements of irony and a caustic sarcasm, often with a hint of mockery that exposed some essential truths...
The next Artist You Need To Know is Rosalind Fox Solomon. Solomon (born 1930) is an American photographer based in New York City. From her site : “Rosalind Fox Solomon has entered closed circles across a diverse range of cultures. She has captured defining...
The next Artist You Need To Know is Oscar Cahén (1916 – 1956). Cahén (sometimes spelled Oscar Cahen) was a Canadian painter and illustrator and is an interesting study in contradictions within an artist’s practice. He is, on the one hand, well known for being a...
The next Artist You Need To Know is Bea Nettles. Nettles is a fine art photographer and maker of artists’ books who often works in more experimental and historical photographic methods. From the National Gallery of Canada : “Bea Nettles draws on her own...
The next Artist You Need To Know is Balthasar Klossowski de Rola who was better known as Balthus (1908 – 2001). Balthus was a Polish-French painter whose works often had an uncomfortable, erotic element but also a dreamlike atmosphere and imagery. He was reticent to...
Our next Artist You Need To Know is Susan Bee. She is an American painter, editor, and book artist as well as being co-editor and co-founder of M/E/A/N/I/N/G with (previously featured AYNTK) Mira Schor. This is an “art publication for dissenting...